Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Wonders of Nuclear Physicians and all Modern Medcine

The wonders of nuclear physicians and all modern medicine.

Whole body bone scan + Spect 3
Nuclear physicians are amazing. Radio active goop stuff is stuck into a vein and a few hours later one has the scan done. The goop makes bits and pieces of bone sparkle and shine depending on whether the bits are good or nasty little indications of cancer. Their isotope scan machine shows it all. A truly fascinating invention.
How ever, it is all done at vast expense and most folks will never have this unless they are looking for cancer nasties.
The down side of this nuclear physician isotope scene is that it also shows the state of decline of ones precious bod, all joints and where arthritis may one day occur..
I have always been very active, fanatical gym, swimming, kayaks, hiking, climbing and always physically extremely strong, tossing hay bales around and such. Theoretically, according to magazine blurb I should have joints in perfect health and live till 100. Well this scan told me otherwise last year and has done so again. I am getting old and starting to crumble. (and so might you all be too)

Half way down the nuclear physicians report it states:

With degeneration:
-neck and shoulders
-T/L vertebrae
-hips + knees
The rest of the skeleton is normal.

How many other parts of the skeleton are there for heavens sake.?
Moral of the story is : do not have this isotope scan thingy done. It might depress you to know that the present pain in the knee will soon become a pain in the other knee then the hip, ankles, shoulders an’ all. In fact you can stop taking vitamins and eating salads and all things good for you, your joints don’t appreciate it.. Hit the beer and wine, roasts and rice with lots of gravey, smoke, have late nights and party wildly while ya can….hehehe.

--Penn—January 2010

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