Friday, March 26, 2010

What the honey bees tell us.

Bee Messages

March 2010

I learned from lovely Annie today about messages bees bring to us.
Annie runs my house for me. A truly wonderful lady. Born and raised on a local farm. I am blessed to have her around, listen to her stories and share the happenings in her daily life.
Yesterday, while picking veggies in my garden a bee came to her and flew around her head. It touched her cheek softly and she stood still. It followed her to the house, buzzing around her head. She told me this was a message that only bees can bring to you. The messages are to be taken seriously.
According to the old timers around here, if the bee comes to you in the morning it means some good news when you return home and if it appears in the afternoon it means that you best prepare for some bad news.
Annie does not believe it works that way and it can be either good or bad news at whatever time of the day.
When she got home she heard the good news that her daughter had retuned home. Then her grandson returned from work with a few minor injuries as he had been sitting in the back of a truck that had had an accident. Perhaps that was also ‘good news’ as, luckily, he was not badly injured.
So it just goes to show, listen to the bees.
I love local lore, myth and legend. So many similar stories from all over the world.
From now on please listen to the bees.


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