Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reasons For Change


Friday, January 8, 2010
Leaving a home we have loved and where memories and happiness grew rich and deep can be an emotional upheaval in ones life. We must not be disappointed when prayers and wishes are not fulfilled in the manner we expect them to be. In fact they are indeed being answered but perhaps just not in the manner we wished for.

When we ask for a miracle, we have to accept that miracle in whatever form it is given to us and that may not necessarily be what we had in mind and were planning for.

We tend to tear headlong down a road that we perceive to be the correct one, but our spirit guides are quite capable of switching them in mid stream when things change and our lives need to branch off in a different direction, for what ever wonderous reason we will no doubt learn at a later date.

We might think that a particular house, town, state or indeed country to be the right one for us and for a period of time it probably is, but we can outgrow them for a host of reasons, unclear to us at the time. There might be somewhere else we need to experience and is on our life agenda.

Our hearts and souls must remain open to whatever lies before us, and accept it, as many of us have done countless times in the past. Our energy is needed in different areas just as we require the energy of those places, and the people, to grow, learn and develop our own lives. Sometimes our needs change and unbeknown to us our 'life guides' oblige and plan our next learning experience. We need to accept these changes as a challenge and go into the next adventure and learning curve we are to be tested on with a degree of enthusiasm. We must try not to be afraid of the unknown ahead of us and regard it as an adventure and an upcoming experience to anticipate with excitement.

Our lives change so quickly. We chose to come here to assist Mother Earth and all living things in any way we could. Leaving friends and places is something we have done many times in our life but it never gets any easier to do. We must accepted our next assignment, and with it the frailties of being human. In honoring our human-ness, it is necessary to experience all aspects of the emotions that go with it; sadness, disappointment, joy, love, grief, fear, pain, laughter, and a host of others.

As we focus on our next move and given tasks, another door will be opened and we will be guided in whatever direction is required, and cared for as we have been in the past.

New directions, new places, spurred by our new growth, may be somewhere we never dreamed of. Because we have never considered this next turn in our lives, does not mean that it is not out there waiting for us to arrive and be challenged by it.

Good friends are made in each place we have lived, and become a part of our lives, and in many cases like extended family members. We can always return to visit if the need arises. We just do not have to remain in those places on a permanent basis. Weary travelers need a rest every now and then, and that is perfectly acceptable. Accept lengthy periods of time in one place as just that; a place to rest and grow. But part of our journey in life demands that we keep going on our learning path and have faith in our ultimate destiny even if we do not know exactly where we will end up. Our Earth eyes do not give us the vision to see the "BIG" picture, so keeping faith in ourselves and our future is a vital tool in putting all the pieces of our wonderful life puzzle together.

We did not choose an easy, uncomplicated path in this life time but must remain dedicated to the plan, to the planet and to the people around us. True friends will continue to support us and understand the necessity for moving on to new adventures and our continued learning of life, people and all that surrounds us. Through this we can only hope that in some way we will touch a life or people around us and try to assist them in some small way on their own quest for happiness and learning. In this way pass on some of the kind deeds and knowledge that have been bestowed upon us by friends who have crossed our paths, many have gone on and many remain close, lifetime friends, much loved and a valued support system.

As we head on down the road to a new adventure, remember that the most important step is the next step.

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