Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thoughs to ponder upon.


The ideal situation when a man or woman dies would be to have family members and loving friends around their bedside as they cross over .

But try and imagine a man or woman on their death bed, and standing around the bed, instead of family, are all their ideas, dreams and talents, that had been given to them by 'life' and that they,for whatever reason, were never acted upon.Those ideas were never pursued. Those dreams and talents were never used.

There they are, standing at the bedside, looking at you with angry eyes, saying, "We came to you.Only you could have given us life, and now we must die with you forever. You never gave us a chance...."

So, the question becomes, if you should die tonight, what ideas, what talents, what dreams, what abilities, what skills will die with you. The wealthiest place on this earth is not in the oil fields of Texas or the Middle East. It is not in South Africa where they have gold and diamond mines. Nor s it Bill Gates' bank vault, The Sultan of Brunei, Wall Street , or the Queen of England. The wealthiest places in the world are the cemeteries. For there you will find books that were never written. Songs that no one never sung. Businesses that never got off the ground. Speeches that were never given. Talents and abilities that were never used. Seminars that were never conducted,and courses that were never initiated. All those beautiful dreams and ideas now dead and gone for ever, never having been given a chance to live.

We all have something special in us. We survived incredible odds, and were chosen out of 40million sperms. We are supposed to be here and to fulfill our God given talents. We hit the the jackpot in getting here, so ought to give those dreams and talents a chance........dont let em peer at us in anger as we slip into the next world......


Copyright: Penny Wilson 1999

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