Friday, April 2, 2010


This is the basis of something I found tucked away in my mothers desk.I have tweeked it a bit. I think it is a sound philosophy.


Where do we start when we want to change the conditions that are causing discomfort and unhappiness in our lives? These are some thoughts to ponder upon and try and put into practice. As one gets older it is easier to do. Oh! that we could have learned these lessons at a young age!

There are circumstances and personalities in every individual’s life
which can be said to cause happiness. But are we always going to depend on others for our happiness, health, harmony and prosperity, as a child is dependent on his parents for all his needs?

I do not think that anyone would like this to be the case, if he really stopped to think about it, but it is exactly what most people allow to happen. They get upset when another is short-tempered, inconsiderate, selfish, unkind or just plain bloody minded. They criticize and even condemn the person concerned and make life thoroughly miserable for themselves and everyone around them.

If you accidentally put your hand on a thorn, you would remove the thorn and allow the wound to heal and in a short time there would be no trace of the injury. Likewise, if an injustice is done, work out what it is, allow the effects to dissipate and no trace of the injury needs to remain.

But if the thorn is left in the hand, it does not only cause discomfort, it can become septic, fester and even result in blood poisoning. Likewise, we can harbour the resentments and fears we have towards others and they can grow and develop into the most monstrous problems and poison ones mind and indeed entire body.

So, where do we start? Where, or with what does everything start? With a thought. The thought is always coupled with some kind of emotion. A pleasant thought makes us feel good and react favorably, and an unpleasant thought does exactly the opposite. The answer would be to handle our unpleasant thoughts and feelings and then all would be well. But how do we do this?

We usually start justifying ourselves or our actions as soon as we have done anything wrong. We try to cover up, look the other way, laugh or cry it away, withdraw into ourselves or become aggressive, without even starting to become aware of what we are doing.It becomes all consuming.

The first thing to do therefore is to stop and --'be still'-- as soon as an unpleasant condition arises and to become aware of one's own thoughts, feelings and anger; to admit to the problem and to become objective and rational.

The second step would be to do what one can to change the condition. If you were the first one to be negative, admit it and try to put right whatever is possible to rectify; if another was in the wrong, forgive and send out as much love and understanding as you can. In both these instances success is assured because you will be working in accordance with Divine law. The result could be instantaneous or it could take much longer to manifest, but it will always happen at the right time, in the right way, at the right place in the right company.

What we have to remember at all times is that the Law works with absolute impersonal precision at all times. If we want to enjoy life’s rich blessings we should not react negatively at all, no matter how grave the others misdeed was. We must develop the firm assurance that every positive action will be rewarded with a positive reaction. It is often difficult to know how to express love to a person who has done something that has made you so angry that you have wanted to choke, or hurt you so deeply that you have felt like hiding away from the world and withdrawing yourself from all involvement lest it happen again.

If it is impossible to 'feel' love under these conditions try 'thinking' love first. Remind yourself that "Love is the fulfillment of the Law'. This calms the emotions and a calm and relaxed state is very conducive to feelings of goodwill and love.

I find this expressing of love very comforting, because it takes the responsibility of decision from my shoulders when I am in doubt about another's behaviour. I keep my mental and emotional equilibrium and send out love and our spiritual guide and mentor, ---(God if you want to think of it that way)--- takes care of the rest. This is what makes it possible to understand these wonderful words: 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'
How about this to try and live by? Such sound philosophy.

---Penn--- 1998

1 comment:

  1. Love these words and the philosophy, Penny. And you have such a rich fund of stories about your personal experiences... I hope that you will put as many of them on your blog as you possibly can! Lovely to chat to you and Nicky this morning, Fred
